Saturday, May 17, 2014

Baby Dombrowski coming... this August!

Yep. You read the title correctly. We are adopting a baby in August! I don't think my heart could take it if I were any more excited! We are not sure of the gender yet, but will find out on Monday. Hudson is pretty sure its a girl (I may have persuaded him that he wants a sister). We are just in awe of God's faithfulness and timing. I know with any adoption process there is always the possibility that the birth mother will change her mind, but as long as it is a possibility I'm going to be excited! Our fundraising goal just shrunk from $35,000 down to about $10,000! But the only kicker is now we need to raise it by August. Below I copied the support letter I am starting to mail out; a lot of it is a repeat of my first blog, but the ending is about the adoption change. Shout out to my ever-so-helpful brother-in-law who helped me get the links set up at the bottom.

Dear Friends & Family,

               Tom & I began our adoption journey this week. I can’t wait to bring home a baby brother or sister for Hudson (he definitely needs some help in the sharing department). Before I give more details I wanted to share Tom & I’s story.
               Tom & I were married in the summer of 2009. We couldn’t wait to get married, but even more so I couldn’t wait to start a family with the love of my life. After a couple of years of trying to start a family on our own, we visited a specialist in Columbia, MO. It was here that we were met with heartache. The doctor’s found that apart from a miracle, we would not be able to have children naturally. We were devastated. I had been “planning” my future for years & this was not in my plans. “God has a plan for everything” is easy to recite, but in that moment I had to decide if I really believed it. Tom & I, even with tears, decided that we would trust God for our family; we knew God’s love never fails. That same week, we received a call from a lady asking us to adopt her baby. She was 4 months pregnant at the time. In October of 2011, we brought home our baby boy, Hudson. We trusted God even when we didn’t understand & He proved again to be more than faithful.
               We know that God has a plan for everything that happens & we have to trust there is a reason why we can’t get pregnant. Tom & I feel that God has called us to expand our family through adoption. We’ve spent so much time tossing around the idea of adoption, but the cost has always stopped us. But the more we thought about it, the more we came to the conclusion that it is a command from God to take care of orphans & He will provide.
               So with that being said, we began our journey. We started this process committing to a 3-5 year wait for a baby, but God has brought a new plan to our doorstep. Much of what I wrote about above I also posted in my blog. No more than 24 hours after I posted the blog, a woman contacted us asking us to adopt her baby! Wow! Isn’t God amazing! Now the only stipulation is we need to raise roughly $10,000 by August.
               We are writing this letter to include you in this exciting adventure for our family, but also ask you to prayerfully consider helping us reach our goal with any donation being greatly appreciated. If you feel led to donate please make checks payable to: Tom & Jenny Dombrowski. You can also send a check to Heartland Community Church and memo it “Dombrowski Adoption Fund” and it is considered a charitable donation that can be used towards your taxes. Our church has also made available their EGiving systems were you can make a donation online. Just enter the link below in your web browser or scan the QR Code below with any Android or Apple device and you will be taken to our donation page. However, if you are not able to donate financially, we ask that you please keep our family in your prayers.
               We would also like to invite you to follow our journey by finding us on Facebook (under Jenny Dombrowski) or following my blog at

Thank you for your love & support,
 Tom, Jenny, and Hudson 

EGiving Link:                    

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